Another Last Chance Read online

Page 8

  He looked across to Charles and started explaining how he was being framed. He told him about the drug house and what he’d seen on the footage. He didn’t mention anything about leaving with the memory card. It was the most concrete evidence he had to fight his case and he wasn’t about to mention it to anyone without the assurance that they were down with him, one hundred percent.

  “And what this have to do with the shooting at the club?”

  “Nothing.” Kevin brushed away the thought. “Is two different things. You remember the altercation that Steve did call you about some weeks ago?”

  Charles was thinking. “You mean when he did take the drugs from that fella?”


  “Okay, yeah, I remember. What happen?”

  “That is Biggs. It was his drugs. He come by the club with the intentions of getting it back, or getting some kind of revenge. They beat me up and throw me in their car and I manage to get away, and that is how I run into the drug house.”

  “Oh, okay. So, you saying that all this didn’t take place yesterday?”

  “No. Everything happen the same night with the shooting at the club, and the day after.”

  “Hmm…” Charles looked as if he was having a hard time getting up to speed. “So why the news say it happened yesterday?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe, because after having their little reunion, they find it would be the best way to get to me.”

  Kevin was becoming annoyed by how slow the explanation process was progressing. He was running out of time and from the way things was sounding, he was getting the impression that Charles wouldn’t be able to help in any way. He stood up and started pacing back and forth in an attempt to clear his head. Charles slouched back on the sofa.

  “You know you could calm down right?” he said to Kevin. “I just asking these questions to try and understand what really going on.”

  “Calm down for what?” Kevin said in a loud aggressive voice. He was too frustrated and scared to remain calm and it was as if Charles wasn’t understanding that. He noticed Charles biting down on his jaw, trying to hold back his anger. Charles got up and went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, taking out a bottle of water and drinking straight from it. Kevin was too angry to apologize for the way he was carrying on, and the tension made the room quiet for a while.

  “Listen.” Kevin went back to his seat. “I really need some kind of advice here. I don’t know how long again I could manage to be running around like this. Ah don’t even know who I could trust. But I trust Steve and he trust you, even though you is one of them. That is the only reason why I sitting here now. Ah don’t even know what going on with Wendell. I try calling him and his phone ringing out and going straight to voice mail.”

  “Yeah, I tried calling him yesterday too, before I called Steve, and the same thing happen,” Charles said. “You sure everything okay with him?”

  Kevin smiled and shook his head. “Yeah, he good. Not a single scratch.”

  Charles' eyes opened wide.

  “What?” He was surprised. “You serious? Through all that?”

  “Yeah, I went by his house sometime late last week, and he looking the same way he was looking before the shooting.”

  “Hmm.” Charles slowly shook his head. “That strange.”

  “Yeah. That was Steve reaction too.”

  Kevin took a moment to remind himself that nothing was missing from their hideout and comforted his mind by thinking that maybe Wendell hadn’t yet purchased a new phone like he said, which was a bit hard to believe since social media was Wendell’s main hobby.

  “So, based on everything I tell you, what you think I should do, from a police point of view?”

  Charles came back from the kitchen and sat down on the couch.

  “Well, when you think about it, they have you down as a fugitive on the news, so everybody would be seeing you as a fugitive whether you like it or not. So right now the best thing for you to do is surrender.”

  “You really think that is the only choice I have?”

  “Well, yeah. Things could end up a lot worse if you continue hiding.”

  Kevin knew he was telling the truth. He remembered the conversation the corporal was having with the other officers at the drug house before he escaped, and it was obvious that they’d rather have him dead than alive.

  “I don’t like that idea too much.”

  “What, to surrender?”


  Charles laughed and looked up to the ceiling as if he was searching for the right words. “Remember you asked for advice from a police point of view? That is why I tell you that would be the easiest way out. Cause I know how police does think.”

  “Yeah, but I want to be one hundred percent sure that something would come out of this, and it wouldn’t really reach far if I behind bars.”

  “So, you feel you would do a better job if you out there running wild?”

  “Not running wild, but if I could orchestrate a plan somehow.”

  “Hmm.” It had him thinking. “So what you have in mind?”

  Kevin thought about it before answering. “What about if I make a deal to take the police to the drug house and explain to the judge that, that was the reason behind everything?”

  “Hmm, that could work, but you would have to know who is who. Remember, police does stand up for each other.”

  “Yeah, true. But what about police complaints?”

  “Same thing. Once a police looking bad it does put a image on the entire Service. Everybody would want to cover up something that big.”

  “Even you?”

  Kevin saw Charles's face change. “I not even sure,” Charles said. “I would try to help you as much as possible, but I can’t promise you anything. Plus, I wouldn’t be able to manage something like this by myself. And we not even sure the kind of persons involved.”

  “Yeah, that is true. It have plenty soldiers in this thing too.”

  “See what I saying?”

  Kevin nodded.

  They both continued thinking in silence. Charles was looking at the time on his watch every now and then and Kevin remembered that he had mention he was already late for work.

  “You know what!” Charles broke the silence and jumped up, taking his phone out of his pocket before falling back onto the couch. “While we just sitting here let me call somebody from the station who might have ah better input in this whole thing.” He was looking more confident than he had been during their entire conversation.

  He started dialing the number but Kevin stopped him. “Who you calling?” he asked.

  Charles explained that he was calling the superintendent for their division who would have more information. He was also the person who arranged all the police exercises for the district. When the question was asked about trust, Charles said that the superintendent was a no-nonsense person and he would trust him with his life.

  Although Kevin was a bit skeptical about getting so much police involved, Charles's elaboration on the officer’s loyalty was enough for Kevin to go along with it.

  Charles contacted the superintendent and placed the call on speaker so Kevin would hear what was being said. They had a lengthy conversation, as Charles filled him in on the details.

  “So, he there with you now?” the superintendent said.

  “No, he not here right now.” Charles said. “Actually, he was never here. He call me earlier today and tell me everything.”

  The superintendent asked a few more questions and Kevin was satisfied with the way the conversation was going until the superintendent suggested that it would be wise for Kevin to surrender before the situation got out of hand.

  “But sir, remember I tell you, I know this fella since I small. He don’t have no record or any problem with the police. He not capable of doing something like that.”

  “Yes, Charles. I hearing everything you saying, but you have to keep in mind that, people does change.”

, I know that. But not him. I know what I telling you. What about the drug house?”

  “What about it?”

  “He wouldn’t just make up something like that. Let we still go and see what going on with that and deal with it.”

  The superintendent was quiet for a while. If it wasn’t for the tapping sound that finally came from his end of the phone, they would’ve believed that the call had been dropped.

  Charles told him about the possible quantity of drugs and money that could be confiscated and the publicity, and he liked the idea.

  “Okay, here what I would do,” said the superintendent. “I would arrange for Sergeant Joseph and his men to take allyuh to the location and back.” They heard him take a deep breath before continuing. “Charles?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “I taking a big chance here. You stay close to him and make sure he in handcuffs the entire time. And take him straight to the Arima station afterwards, okay?”

  “Yes sir. Thank you so much. Would do.” Charles was looking at Kevin while speaking. The superintendent hung up right after.

  Kevin thought about it and although it wasn’t what he had expected. It was basically both of their ideas joining as one, so he had no problem with the arrangements. The one thing he wanted out of the situation was to know that the officer’s corruption would come to an end and he knew he would have a better opportunity to clear his name once that happens.

  He thanked Charles for everything and Charles told him that he could stay at his place for the night and then he left for work.


  The last thing Charles said to him before leaving, was to make himself at home and he did just that. The house had two furnished bedrooms in addition to the kitchen, living room, bathroom and dining room. Kevin moved through each room, examining the furnishings and comparing Charles's lifestyle to Steve’s. There was no doubt that Charles had come out better.

  After his tour through the house he went back to the living room. Magazines were scattered on the coffee table, and he noticed a Guns and Ammo magazine on top. He took it up and began flipping the pages. Kevin didn’t know much about guns and he could easily count the number of times he had carried a firearm on the fingers on one hand. He wasn’t very good at shooting either. He had gone to an open field with the crew on two occasions and he couldn’t hit anything that was further than ten feet. He shook his head at the thought, knowing very well that he was carrying a weapon he couldn’t use. He put the magazine back on to the coffee table and got up and picked up Charles's landline phone. He hadn’t spoken to Sean a few days now, and he knew he’d be worried after seeing him on the news last night. He also wanted to update him on what was going to take place tomorrow.

  He dialed the number and when Keisha answered she was very anxious to transfer the call this time. Kevin leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting.

  “Kevin, what going on with you, boy?” Sean said in a sort of panic. His tone took Kevin by surprise.

  “Well, I still alive. What going on?”

  “Yeah, you alive, thank God. But what going on with this shooting thing? It all over the news. And since when you shooting behind people?”

  “Sean, you of all people know me better than that.”

  “Well, that is what I saying, but when I see this on the news, I was shock. In fact, everybody up here shock.”

  Kevin could only imagine what Sean's cousins were saying and thinking about him. It also made him wonder how he would be seen in the public’s eyes.

  “But, you don’t believe it, right?” Kevin said.

  Sean answer came immediately. “Of course not. I know you better than that. And, I remember what you was telling me the other night. So, I know they would say and do whatever they could to catch up with you.”

  Kevin felt good to know that Sean was still on his side.

  “Where you is now?”

  “I by Charles.”

  “Charles?” He could sense the concern in Sean’s voice.

  “Yeah, what happen?”

  “Nah, nothing.” There was a short pause. “How you manage to go there with everything that taking place with you and them police?”

  “Well, to be honest. It was Steve's idea.”

  “Hmm, no wonder. Allyuh brave yes.” He ended in a low voice, almost as if he was speaking to himself.

  “It don’t have nothing to do with being brave. Right about now I just trying to stay alive.”

  Kevin noticed that the hand he was holding the phone with was becoming cold and sweaty. He transferred the phone to the other hand and wiped his palm on his pants.

  “What Charles had to say about all this?”

  “Well, I tell him everything and he call some senior officer who arrange for we to go back to the drug house tomorrow.”

  “Alright, and you okay with that, right?”

  “Well, kinda. I mean. I ah little worried about how things would play off. But I done here already and I feeling like is the only choice I have.”

  Sean remained quiet for a moment.

  “You think that drug house would still be there though? I mean with all this drama going on, I doubt they would take that kind of risk.”

  Sean had made a valid point. This was actually the first time that Kevin had thought about them destroying the drug house in order to protect themselves. It would be the easiest way out. And, if it was so, it would definitely weaken Kevin’s case.

  Kevin thought about it long and hard and then made up his mind that he would go through with it, regardless. He knew it was a greater risk going back out there, where they were all searching for him.

  “Kevin, you still there?”

  “Yeah, I right here.” He tightened his grip on the phone.

  “You hear what I now say?”

  “Yeah, I hear you.”

  “And you okay with that?”

  “Well, at the end of the day, it is a risk I would have to take.”

  “Hmm, okay… true. Well, that is up to you.”

  They were both quiet for a few seconds and then Kevin asked if he knew when he was coming back home.

  “Well, with all this bacchanal going on, I done organize to come back over the weekend,” Sean said.

  “Okay good. Because I need to be around somebody I could trust, and you would be more help than Wendell.”

  “Why you say that? What happen? You eh get through to him yet?”

  “No. I didn’t call since the news come across yesterday evening. But before that, I wasn’t getting through at all.”

  Kevin had thought about mentioning his visit to Wendell’s house but decided not to. It was the only way Sean would realize that his back was against a wall and he was in desperate need of his assistance.

  “Oh, okay. Well I don’t know what to say, but when I come home I would see what going on with that.”

  “Okay, cool.”

  The phone was quiet again and when Kevin was about to say good bye, Sean asked about the drugs and other stuff at the hideout.

  “Yeah, everything still there. Just like how we leave it.”

  “Alright, so Wendell didn’t move anything then.”

  Kevin wasn’t sure if he was asking a question or making an assumption. But, he told him no.

  “Okay, well. That is good news. But don’t worry. As soon as I come back I would find out if Wendell had anything to do with this. And, if that is the case. I sorry to say, but allyuh would be vex with me.” Kevin could hear the pain and anger in Sean’s voice. He knew exactly what he meant by that.

  Kevin acknowledged the fact that they were all good friends, but if Wendell had anything to do with the shooting at the club, he’d deserve whatever came to him. At this stage, Kevin could care less.

  “You good for the night?” Sean asked after some time passed.

  “Yeah, I good.” He looked around and reminded himself of the luxury of the house. “Don’t worry about me.”

  “Alright, well, make sure and handle yu
h business skillful. I would be moving with this phone, so if anything come up just give me a buzz, okay?” Sean said and hung up after Kevin’s reply.

  Kevin lay down on the couch, thinking, and quickly fell asleep.


  Kevin sat in the front passenger seat of the car that Charles had rented. He was anxious and afraid about how the day was going to turn out.

  The car was parked in a dirt track, close to the bus shed where Kevin had gotten the first bus out of Brasso Seco a week ago.

  Charles sat to his right dressed in tactical pants and boots. His jacket and bullet proof vest were in the back seat. They were running late since the arrangement was to meet twenty minutes ago, however, Charles had called someone who confirmed that they were close by.

  After a few more minutes, three marked police vehicles pulled up in front of them. Charles threw on his jacket and bullet proof vest and waited until the doors opened and when the nine officers came out he approached them.

  They were all dressed in tactical wear like Charles, with bulletproof vest and knee pads and elbow pads. They looked as if they were prepared to fight a war with their guns across their chest and legs.

  They’d formed a semi-circle around Charles and began conferring. After a few minutes, Charles signaled for Kevin to join them.

  “Morning,” one of the officers said and gave him a stern stare. “I is Sergeant Joseph. Don’t worry about introducing yourself, I does watch news, so I done know who you is.”

  Kevin was taken aback by his insulting approach.

  “Before we go further, I want you to understand something. Nobody here is yuh friend. This is business and strictly business. We train to follow instructions and that is all we doing. You understand that, right?”

  “Yeah,” Kevin nodded.

  “Okay, good. So, you have some information for we?”

  Charles was quietly standing at the outside of the circle.

  “Yeah,” Kevin said.

  “Alright. And to add to what I now tell you. This is what we train to do, so don’t get worried. If it have to turn ugly, it will get ugly. We enjoy this shit.” His face was serious.