Another Last Chance Page 6
Within that moment he was contemplating on how to move forward and get his life back to normal. He wanted to tell Wendell about the corrupt police officers in the forest, but decided that it wasn’t the right time.
“So, what now?” Wendell asked. Kevin shook his head. “I have no idea. I need some time to think.” He leaned against the chest of drawer that was across from where Wendell was sitting.
“I didn’t hear anything concerning the shooting on the news tonight.”
“Yeah, me neither. I does pay attention to the news on mornings and evenings, but I didn’t hear anything since the day after the shooting.”
“Okay, that should be good.”
“Well, we can’t be too sure.”
“Yeah, true. What you tell yuh mother though?”
Wendell sat up and looked at Kevin. “That we was liming and we end up getting in a fight with a group of fellas.”
“Okay, and that was all?”
Kevin was a bit surprised. “So, you didn’t tell she who the fellas was and how this whole thing started?”
“No, she didn’t want to know all that. She was upset.”
“Yeah, knowing yuh mother, I could imagine.”
“She want me to go and spend some time with my father in Tobago though.”
“Okay, and what you plan to do?”
“I don’t have a choice.”
Kevin wasn’t surprised this time.
“When you leaving?”
“Month end.”
Kevin was thinking about the whole situation and the way it was destroying the entire crew and their families. There wasn’t any way to fix it. The only thing left to do was adjust to the change and move on, and that was exactly what he was going to do.
“What ward Steve on?”
“Surgical ward three. I not sure which room.”
“Okay. Mount Hope?”
Kevin looked at the time. It was almost midnight and transportation would be getting difficult, forcing him to walk a long distance to get home. He told Wendell he was going to leave and Wendell got up to walk him out.
“When you plan on going in the hospital?”
“I not sure yet, maybe sometime over the weekend.”
“Okay. Just be careful.”
“Yeah, I know.”
They came out of the room. Karen was asleep on the couch.
“Once I get a phone tomorrow I would call and you would get the number, okay?”
“Yeah man, no problem. Later.”
“Yeah, later. Be safe.”
Kevin left and walked out of the neighbourhood the same way he came in.
There were still people liming on the street corners but not as many as before. He got to the main road where he hailed a taxi within a few minutes, which took him straight to his apartment.
The rest of the week was quiet. Kevin stayed home and did nothing except watch movies and sleep, waiting for the weekend to visit Steve in the hospital.
He spoke to Shantel every day—she said she was doing well.
Wendell hadn’t called, and Kevin wondered if he was still too scared to leave his house.
There still wasn’t anything on the news or in the newspapers concerning the incidents that had taken place, so Kevin started feeling safe enough to live a normal life again.
On Saturday afternoon he left home and arrived at the hospital just after four o’clock. Visiting hours were between four and six o’clock.
When he went to reception, the clerk told him that Steve was in room 301 of the surgical ward, but also that extra security measures were in place for that patient and Kevin would have to present a photo id before being allowed up and only one visitor would be allowed to see him.
While signing the book Kevin had noticed that Steve’s family had been visiting him on a regular basis. His mom and sister had come yesterday afternoon and his father earlier today.
Kevin made his way up the steps and followed the directions he’d gotten from the clerk. In the last corridor he saw a police officer sitting on a chair outside the door next to the nurse’s station. There he was asked to present his identification again, and a transmission was sent by the officer to his superiors before he’d gotten the okay to send him in.
“Go ahead,” the officer said, after carefully searching him. Kevin pushed the door and entered the room.
Steve was the only patient in the room though there were three unoccupied beds.
He was partially covered in a white blanket and he had a cast on his right leg and arm and a bandage was wrapped around his chest.
There was a saline bag hanging from a metal rack beside Steve’s bed and machines hooked up to his body were beeping.
The room carried that unique hospital smell that reminded Kevin why he hated hospitals so much. His only hope was that he wouldn’t be exposed to any blood or wounds while he was there.
There was a large window on the opposite side of the door, but Steve’s full attention was on the tv, which had a crime watch programme on. He looked around when the door thumped shut, and his eyes grew bright when he saw Kevin.
“Aye,” Steve said.
“Oh buddy, what going on?” Kevin said and walked to the bed. Steve attempted to smile.
“You alive?” he said
“I guess so.” Kevin rested his hand on Steve’s. “I get a lil beat up, but I good to go.”
Steve looked at him from head to toe. “I realize.”
“Yeah, well. You know how it is. I see you not doing so bad yourself.”
“Yeah.” Steve’s voice got a little stronger. “Four bullets. I thought I was dead until I wake up in this place, covered with bandage and tubes.” He shifted around his body to get in a more relaxed position on the bed.
“I see you hire police!” Kevin said, grinning.
“Yeah, you laugh. Is your tax dollars that paying them.”
“Yeah, I hear you.”
Kevin laughed, and Steve tried to do the same, but it seemed painful.
Kevin was paying attention to the crime programme on the tv for a while and when he looked back at Steve he saw that he was staring at him as if he had something on his mind.
“What?” Kevin said.
“Nothing really. I was just thinking about how things was in the past.”
“You know. The way we meet at that construction site and how you kind of stick around like a little brother ever since.” His voice was beginning to sound depressed. “The only thing I regretting is how I led you astray. Both you and Sean.”
Kevin began thinking back also.
“If it wasn’t for me, you woulda never have to go through all this. I mean, is not like we was murderers or gangsters or anything. But I should’ve never make allyuh come along on that scene with Biggs.” He paused and looked at Kevin, trying to read his expression. Kevin turned away from his stare. “What I really trying to say is, sorry for everything.”
Kevin looked back at Steve. He could feel his emotions rising. He understood what Steve was saying and he knew it was his decision to hang out with Steve and the crew. Whether Steve was selling on the block or making his pickup, or packaging his weed. For some strange reason Kevin accepted that type of company and the little money there was to gain from it. He was out of a job and sadly that was how he’d managed to spend his time.
“Hmm,” Kevin sighed. “I really don’t know what to say, but I guess everybody responsible for their own decisions at the end of the day. It sad that it have to turn out like this. But, I know that is how life is. We win some, we lose some.” After dwelling on the past it was hard for Kevin to hold himself together so he took a walk over to the window where he stood looking out in silence. He returned a few minutes after.
“How everything shaping up with you otherwise?” Kevin asked, changing the mood. Steve looked satisfied that he’d gotten it off his c
hest. He delayed for a few seconds before answering.
“Well, this is my life right here. So far they still have me down as the victim since they don’t have anything to work with, and I gave so much statements I starting to feel like a celebrity.”
“Celebrity, eh?”
“Well, you know what ah mean,” Steve chuckled.
“No, not really, but I listening.”
“Yeah,” he continued. “I have police, doctors and nurses on a twenty-four hour basis, so things safe and shaping up. I can’t complain.”
“Or, okay. But, you did mention anything about Biggs?” Kevin asked.
“Nah.” Steve looked angry. “I will handle that for myself when I come out from here.”
Kevin was shocked by his intentions. He thought about what Shantel had told him of not seeking revenge and he realized that the both of them lived two completely different lives. Steve had no one to live for but himself which would make it easy for him to think that way. Kevin even realized that things were only getting more serious, from the ambush to the shooting, and now Steve planning to kill someone. Kevin was glad that he had made the decision to go separate ways.
The room was becoming too quiet and Kevin thought about saying anything that would start a conversation again.
“Well, I see you getting regular visits. So, that good.”
It took Steve a moment before he answered. “Yeah, my father does come every day with food and fruits.”
Kevin recognized a box of food on a tray at the side of the bed. There was also a plastic bag with two bananas, an apple, and some grapes.
“What, things better than home?” Kevin teased.
“I wouldn’t say so. You smell this place?”
Kevin was reminded of the methylated spirits mixed with urine scent he had been trying to ignore from the moment he walked in.
“Well, it doesn’t smell nice. But look at the bright side. It could’ve be much worse. You could be unguarded and in the company of them three patients.” Kevin pointed to the three empty beds.
They fell silent and Steve’s eyes went back to the tv. Kevin cleared his throat.
“What about Wendell?” he said.
Steve turned his head. “What about him?”
“He come to visit?” Kevin asked, although he already knew the answer.
Steve shook his head.
“No. The last time I see him was some minutes before the shooting.”
Kevin frowned. “Before?”
“Yeah, well, he went to use the washroom. That was right before the bouncer come and tell we what was going on outside. Me and Marcus came running out and I eh hear or see him since.”
“Hmm,” said Kevin, his frown deepening.
“What happen?” Steve asked.
“Nothing really. I went by Wendell earlier this week and I just find it strange that he was looking okay. Not one cut or scratch or anything. I asked him how come and he say he ran away because he didn’t have any weapon.”
“Yeah, possibly.”
“I know. But you know Wendell does never back down from a fight.”
Kevin hesitated.
“You didn’t notice him operating strange or anything?” he asked.
Steve shrugged.
“Nah, not really. He didn’t go to the washroom much. That was maybe his second time, so I didn’t find it strange. What I find strange is how much days pass and he still eh call or come to visit me. That not normal.”
“Well, he say he lost he phone that same night during the scuffle. So maybe that is why he eh call. And, concerning the visit he say he waiting for this whole thing to clear up first.”
Steve tried to sit up straighter in bed, but then winced in pain.
“Bullshit!” he said.
Kevin glanced around at the door, where the policeman was sitting outside. “Not so loud,” he said.
“That is bullshit,” Steve said again, lowering his voice. “First thing first, it didn’t have any scuffle. We wasn’t even close to Biggs and his boys. As soon as we see them throwing you in the car we started shooting from the entrance of the car park, and it don’t have anything to calm down. I tell the police this whole thing started because of a girl in the club and it escalated when me and Marcus was outside organizing to leave. So his whole story covered in shit. He is a coward and it finally out in the open. I could barely wait to tell him that to his fucking face!” Steve turned, directing his anger outside the window.
Kevin noticed that the officer was standing and looking into the room. Steve simply ignored him.
Kevin looked at the time. It was 5:37. There was a commercial on the television and there were a lot of people walking back and forth in the corridor, both inside, and on the outside walkway.
“You alright, buddy?” Kevin asked after a short while.
“Yeah, no worries, I good,” Steve answered with his head still facing the window.
A couple more minutes passed, and he finally looked back at Kevin.
“You realize I going to be here for a while, right?” Steve said.
“Yeah, judging from yuh condition I think that is understood.”
“Okay, well. Until everything clear up with Wendell, you is the only person I could trust. I know you done say you want out and I not asking you to do anything out of the way.” He studied Kevin’s expression to make sure they were both on the same page.
“Yeah, okay,” Kevin nodded. “What you want me to do?”
“Okay, come closer,” he said in a low voice while making similar gestures.
Kevin looked around and then leaned closer to him.
“The stuff in the same place?” he whispered.
“Yeah. Well, I hope so.”
“Okay. I need you to move it. Call Charles and liaise with him. It don’t matter where allyuh put it. Just move it. Is plenty stuff and if things don’t turn out the way I expecting it to, I don’t want Wendell getting his hands on it.”
Kevin agreed, though he knew it would be a bit difficult to find another location. Steve told him where he would find the key.
“Thanks, bro.” Steve stuck out his hand and received a fist bump.
“Yeah, no problem.” Kevin nodded and straightened up. He knew he was going against his intentions, but he also knew that this was a difficult time for everyone and it was the least he could do.
At that same moment there was an interruption on the tv that caught their attention.
It was 5:45 and instead of having a news update, the reporter came on and announced that there was breaking news on the Arima nightclub shooting.
Kevin looked around as he heard the volume on the television at the nurse’s station turned up and the officer moved in closer.
Kevin was becoming worried and anxious. He folded his hands and placed his attention on the tv. His eyes then went from observing the officer’s movement, to what was being said on the news and then to the window all in one quick movement. Would he need a fast exit? He wondered. After the reporter had finished introducing himself and the network he began with the breaking news.
“Today police have come up with a motive of the Arima nightclub’s shooting, and has put the country on high alert for a lone male suspect who was involved in a shootout with police in the Brasso Seco forest earlier today.”
Kevin couldn’t move. As much as he wanted to look around at the officer it was as though his body was frozen in the direction of the tv. His heart was racing, and he was taking deep breaths. He had no idea what to expect. He knew he was involved in a similar incident with the police almost a week ago. Having another shootout earlier today with an alleged nightclub suspect couldn’t be a coincidence.
Kevin was released from his trance and his eyes finally went into the corridor. He noticed that the officer was more focused on the television and he knew it might be the best opportunity he would get for a worst-case scenario.
He started walking casually to the d
oor, trying not to draw the officer’s attention.
Steve looked confused when he observed his actions and Kevin signaled him to remain quiet.
“The man,” the reporter continued, “who is known as Kevin Jones of Kenneth Street, Enterprise.”
Kevin turned to the screen when he heard the reporter say his name. He felt as though time froze along with his movements. On the television screen he could see his passport photograph blown up for the entire country to see.
He turned back just in time to see the officer staring at him.
The officer reached for his firearm and Kevin slammed the door shut and locked it from the inside.
“Stop!” the officer shouted. “Open this door!”
Kevin ran to the window, which was sealed shut. He could hear the officer turning the door handle, then kicking at the door.
“Kev, what going on?” Steve said with a confused face.
“I will explain everything. They trying to set me up.”
“Open up this fucking door!” the policeman shouted again. Kevin grabbed a metal table from a corner of the room and began hitting the window pane until it shattered. The broken glass was scattered on both sides of the floor.
Kevin wasted no time in climbing over on to the outside corridor.
The ground was too far down so jumping was no longer an option. Kevin ran down the corridor with people scattering fearfully out of his way. He shoved aside those persons who didn’t move fast enough.
There was a staircase next to the elevator and a security guard was sitting at a nearby desk. The guard stood up when he realized there was a commotion, but Kevin was already skipping steps as he fled. A crowd of people were milling around the bottom of the staircase. They were all looking up and taking pictures of the broken window. Three security officers were on the opposite side running in Kevin’s direction.
“Stop him!” he heard the police officer shout out to the crowd as the officer ran down the corridor with two security officers behind him.
Kevin sprinted across the lawn in front of the main hospital to the adjoining buildings. He looked back and saw one of the security officers still on his trail. The other two were far behind, however, and the police officer was nowhere to be seen. He dashed behind the nearest building, finding himself running through knee-high bushes. There was a drain alongside him, covered with concrete slabs that led to a wire fence that protected the perimeter of the hospital and was crowned with barbed wire. Kevin had to make a choice. He’d have to either jump the fence and risk getting some nasty puncture wounds or go into the drain which had an unknown depth and could even get deeper before he reached the end.